latest research

our leadership programmes are developed using the latest research

To help you understand the influences behind our Leadership programmes we have curated some useful academic research below.  These posts are reviewed regularly to keep you up to date and come from a variety of sources.

Good Employment Learning Lab establish what makes effective line manager skills development

The Good Employment Learning Lab at Manchester Metropolitan University have performed extensive research on what makes for effective skills development in line managers. Their research tells us about the key elements that can ensure leaders can experience real change in their practice.

You will find these elements in our programme; the aspect of playing golf after a masterclass gives you an added opportunity to consider and experiment with your learning further embedding your experiences.

Click on the lab image to be taken to their website to view an executive summary of their findings, a full report or watch video content from those involved in the research, it is really a great resource.

Pepperdine University explores Golf as a tool for Executive Leadership development

Dawnet Beverley's 2014 research explored the link between golf principles and the principles of leadership and the actual potential contribution of golf to leadership development.

Her study explored the experience of 20 executive leaders and found that a majority of leaders "reported that golf had a strong, beneficial impact on them as leaders" and that it could develop "skills that enhanced the ability to manage themselves, manage others, and react to changing conditions and that these helped them become more effective leaders".

Click on our accompanying image to be taken to the full study.

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